Monday, February 5, 2007

Reflections: a month in the desert

I've only been here five weeks in the dunes, and I am already SO over celeb jols. Ahlan! (Dubai's very own Heat magazine) - start sweating BOET - my spottings have been diverse across the sporting, cultural and historically influential spheres - ALL of which have been freeviews (ie. no tickets purchased). In no particular order:
  • Mylo (dropping tha pressshhhhaaaa)
  • The Big Easy (finished at 17 under the day I saw him at the Desert Classic - you good thing ... Nevertheless, all fell apart for the guy on Sunday)
  • Tiger (at least with his pipes cleaned, saffa-style)
  • Agent Orange (at numerous venues - close enough to almost touch).
Let's see, in the entire 20 month period of my "London phase", my list of unpaid-for fame viewings is about as impressive as a Tesco cheese sandwich:
  • Callum Best (famous for being on Celebrity Love Island - god knows what qualified him as a celebrity in the first place)
  • The main guy from Hard-Fi
As much as drawing comparisons between Dubai (the gem of the UAE, the artificial oasis, hub of development and no-holds-barred architectural showing off) and London (the established, traditional, yet cosmopolitan home of the Thames whale) is clearly impossible, some attempt has to be made.

Here is what I miss about London:
  • Pigeon tomfoolery. Bless the little entertainers, scrabbling for a crumb whilst you're eating your lunch on a cold metal bench.
  • The goons and goonettes
  • Kev the mobile hairdresser (just watch he doesn't syphon too much vino before letting RIP with the scissors)
Here is what I faarken don't:
  • Cab drivers who practically require your last 3 months' bank statements as proof that you can cover the ride
  • Those vitamin D THIEVES they call perpetual clouds

1 comment:

Kerry said...


I have been waitng YEARS for this blog boet!!! congratulations!!

Missing you here on this mud Island... vitamin D defecit kicking in!!
